Exhausts with Hove MOT
The exhaust pipe is not simply a metal tube to transport the exhaust gases of a car away from the engine, it has evolved quite dramatically over the years and is now a far more important component to the way in which your car operates.
A normal internal combustion engine fueled by either diesel or petrol will produce poisonous gases, in the early years of motoring these gases were not recognised as poisonous and very little attention was drawn to them.
Over many years and the production of millions of cars, it became apparent that the poisonous gases and increasing levels of engine noise needed to be controlled, we would live in a very different world if the exhaust system had not been introduced as a necessary automotive component.
The exhaust pipe ensures that the poisonous & noxious gases are kept away from the occupants of the car and, ideally, from pedestrians, it is fitted with mufflers or silencers to ensure that the engine noise is within allowable decibel levels and the catalytic converter removes most of the poisons from the exhaust gases.

All in all, the exhaust system does rather a lot.
With regard to MOT testing and maintaining a car properly, the areas of concern are:
- Exhaust gas leaks could poison occupants.
- Open joints or broken exhaust sections that would allow a distinct increase in engine noise.
- The security of fixings ensures that the exhaust system, like any other component, cannot fall off of the car and, potentially, cause damage to the car behind which; could cause an accident.
- That the catalytic converter is absorbing sufficient poisons, would become clear during the engine emission test.